Sep 25, 2015

Follow friday!! :)

Follow Friday is a blog hop that expands your blog following by a joint effort between bloggers.

Our Wonderful Hosts 
Parajunkiee's View & Alison Can Read

This Weeks Feature Blog
The invisible blog

This Weeks Question
If you could have any job, what would you do? – Suggested by Peace Love Books.

My Answer
I'd own my own bookstore! I'd fill it with all the books from authors I love! Go to book conventions.. host book events and author signings! But most of all I'd get to share my passion for books with everyone that stops by! Yup that's the dream!



  1. Owning my own bookstore would be a close second after travel blogger. Though I think I'd get so protective over my beautiful books and artfully arranged shelves I wouldn't want to let anyone touch them! I love your review on Siege and Storm by the way, I love the Grisha trilogy. I'm waiting impatiently for my preorder of Six of Crows to arrive!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! New follower :-)

  2. That's a great answer! I would love to be a travel writer! I lived in Japan for 3 years and England for 5 months, and I would dearly love to travel more! I am a new follower via GFC. My blog is:
